Saturday 20 June 2009

Watching and waiting

A new day has come and it is a special day. I will be historical, in one way or another. Days come and go, but the choices remain, and they echo through time and remind us of what has been and what should be.

Today I heard from a friend from Iran. He is also a politics student, and we tend to take matters concerning human rights, freedom and democracy far more seriously. I can only imagine how he must feel, his home torn apart, his family and friends on the streets, protesting, seeking their right to be heard and be considered; he still here, trying to make an impact, spread the word, that we all share universal values!

Iran is as different from Bulgaria as it can get. However, observing the elections results from the last few weeks made me think we have a lot in common, and we are all united by fundamental notions, despite our different surnames and religion. History is repeating itself, and again we all fight for the same things! The people of Iran are protesting because they have been denied the right to choose. To choose their leader, their representative. The are treated as mere pawns in a bigger game, as cattle, whose opinion does not matter, whose eyes are shut and years are stuffed with cotton. But the Iranian people are raising, like an angry sea, because people are not blind and they are not ready to be treated as fools! The elections in Iran were not democratic, nor transparent, nor politically correct. If the people don't feel represented, how can that be the correct result from the election? If there is obvious forgery, how can that be the truth? If the people are those who matter the most, how can they be denied the right to protest and make themselves heard?

I hope the massive protests in Iran won't end up being a massacre. And I also hope the world is watching carefully, because in times like these democracy is under threat everywhere in the world. We are the ones with the power, and we are the ones that should matter. We are the ones that should be united in a time of madness and support the idea of truth and fair elections across the continents. How different are we in the end, when all that is human and free is being challenged?

The world is watching and waiting, and quietly supporting.

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