Monday 8 June 2009

European Elections (and a Travis song)

I am writing this while waiting for the next "Sex and the City" episode to upload, I spent the last few hours watching previous seasons and pondering men in my head. The only conclusion I get to is the fact that I simply don't get them and I think they are weird :)) Just like kindergarten lol.

However, I did do some more reasonable things today. To begin with, I spoke with my parents for hours, discussing the latest European Parliament election results back in Bulgaria, only interrupted by the latest gossip that my brother is in love and going to the seaside..with her?:))

I have to say I am deeply unhappy with the election results, not only in Bulgarian and the UK, but around Europe as a whole. To begin with, as far as I got it, on these elections a record low number of people have expressed their right to vote, and that comes to show that people don't care anymore, and it is not only the case of transition states like Bulgaria, but people all across Europe are slowly getting disinterested in what is happening around them and feel no need to vote, which is a scary tendency. My father today, as the Bulgarian elections were on the 7th of June, didn't even bother thinking about voting, and in his words he was exercising his right NOT to vote, and he was firmly following his own principle, that is better not to vote, when there is a lack of representative and honest political figures. I disagree, I wish I could vote, but right now I can't afford to go all the way to London just for a day, I had to sit back and watch the game, but I am so voting in the Bulgarian Parliament elections next month! For me it is absolutely essential to vote, only after registering your vote do you participate in the decision-making process on a very personal level! If peoples are active, in the sense of voting and firmly expressing their discontent, then in my opinion the governing figures will be more aware that in a representative democracy they are chosen BY the PEOPLE to represent PEOPLE'S INTERESTS!! And they will be more aware of the fact, that their actions are not left unnoticed and the people are not merely sheep, but active citizens. For me, the whole point of voting is hearing what the representative figures promise to do, vote them your consent and trust, and if they fail to fulfil their promises, you can hold them responsible and remove them from power. I know I might sound idealistic, but my role as a chair of a political society dealing with raising awareness on political matters, only perfectly corresponds to my own beliefs.

Another thought, if it isn't the people's growing disinterest with politics, then the economic crises and the overall instability all across Europe and the world might be an explanation of the rise of the far-right parties. Although I am unhappy with the victory of the Conservatives in the UK, that hardly came as a surprise, after the last few weeks of the Labour cabinet falling apart. What came as a surprise were the far0right parties, I didn't expect the BNP to get a seat in the parliament, or the Bulgarian equivalent "Attack". I honestly hate the ideas and the slogans of parties like these and I am worried about their presence in the EU Parliament, although it is quite insignificant as compared to other parties. What troubles me the most is that these parties are finding their way to more and more people, which speaks about the current state of politics and the real disenchantment of people, failed bu the traditional left and right parties, left with no other option but a far right-nationalist-racist-discriminating party like the BNP. Rubbish....

in Bulgaria the case was only slightly different. The biggest winner was a new party, "Gerb", headed by the current mayor of the capital Sofia. It is difficult for me to put them in the left-right linear model, they claim to be a central left?? party, but they are only too new to tell, in countries like mine the name of the party doesn't often correspond to the politics line. The next in line is the Socialist party, which is not good despite the fact that I am a socialist, because the BSP still consists of the old communists, belonging to another dark and dodgy era, and everyone knows that. For example, my mom is quite central left, but again she voted for the Democratic party, even if they are being very unconvincing for a number of years, its just that they are always better than a bunch of old time communists. The third runner up is the Turkish minority party, which is also annoying, because their leader is probably the most awful and dodgy political figure in Bulgaria, and it also makes me feel as if the Bulgarian nation does not care about its country anymore, an all of a sudden the "tails" about buses full of Turkish people with Bulgarian passports,coming "home" only to vote, sound more real.... Then comes "Attack", the most ridiculous right wing party I have ever seen, with the scariest leader ever, a man that can be as mad as a hatter, and as cold as a robot. Freak...

Aanyway...gosh, I can talk about politics all the time :)) In conclusion, i am not happy with the results, but I am happy with the feeling that I understand a bit more than I did a few years ago and I care not for those of you who think I know shit about politics!!!

I can't really recall the rest of the day, I kind of remember bright spots, like me washing my hair, and talking to my parents, and reading about the EU lobbying, and....making a salad...but all got blurred in the end, by a vigorously waited and dreaded message, followed by another one, that again left me wondering about everything and making three steps back....I really need to calm down, PEACE THE FUCK OUT!! I am going to bed, as my head is going to burst, I have been having a headache all day, and that is a clear sign that my inner balance has been disrupted once more...

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