Friday 19 June 2009

Sunset, ladies!

Today was a pretty laid back day. Not having uni work to stress about has left a void in my life, seriously :)) And I know its not only me. Yesterday I had a lovely chat with one of my best friends in the world, her name is Emily. She used to be quite the party animal in her time, but yesterday, in her car on our way back to Canterbury after a jam night in Deal, we were both talking about how good it feels to have a plan, and to know what you are doing, how important it has become for us to have an idea of what is going to happen tomorrow. That probably sounds quite unorthodox for two girls in their twenties, and certainly isn't matching my rather risky and totally unpredictable behaviour lately (I might talk about it in another post:); but sometimes people grow to love order, and chaos makes them feel restless, wasting time. This is exactly how I feel at the moment, restless. I know I have plenty of things to do, like finish my dissertation proposal, move out of my old room, transfer all my stuff to the new house, complete my new healthy body image routine, plenty of activities :)) Somehow though I manage to feel rather empty and hollow, with no deadlines choking me, and the constant stress. I guess some things really have changed :))...

This day was marked by meetings with dear friends, and all of them girls :)) The friendship between girls is one of a kind, I have many guy friends, and most if the times I get along better with guys, but the relationship between girlies is something very very special :) Girls do talk about everything, and share a lot, and the girlfriends I have around me I feel like sisters and love dearly. As my life is constantly divided between Bulgaria and Britain, rarely do I manage to speak with all my girls at the same time, but these two days were magical :D First, a reunion with my dear sweet lovely Em, who currently is rocking life in the big city, it feels so essential, vital even!, to meet with your girlfriend and tell her all that has been happening, and you can talk for hours and hours, and there are still things you need to say, and so many topics that have to be covered. The stories to listen are endless :)) After my lovely Em I had a midnight skype session with another dear dear girl, this time form Bulgaria, her name is Irina, and until the wee hours in the morning we talked about all that has been going on, and the distance of nearly 3000 miles didn't even matter :) It is amazing how girls can have a liberating intimate conversation even through skype, it is all about the friendship really :D Today, I had a chat with my biggest girly love, the sister who has known me since primary school, my BG soul mate Marina, and she managed to lift a huge burden from my heart. Even though I know its completely stupid and unreasonable, every time I go back, either home in BG or home in the UK, I feel so anxious, in a way worried whether people have changed too much, whether I have changed, whether I have been missed and anticipated as much as I have missed people all the time. Well, today Marina managed to persuade me with only a few sentences that I have been missed greatly, that both of us can't wait to see each other, and we are going to start talking as if we haven't been away from each other at all, and we are going to have a fantastic summer together, and nothing in our relationship will ever change. But maybe the best feeling from today is the upcoming meeting :)) My best Dutch girl of all times, my dear Elise, is already back home in Canters, and I can hardly wait to see my lovely future housemate, and hug her, and have the best girly time in Coffee and Corks, and enjoy every minute and every word :))

Gosh, this post is not only making me happy because I have great girlfriends, but also making me sad, because there are so many dear to mi girlies, away from me, in Bulgaria, and in Sweden, and in London, and in Kent, and all around the bloody world! :) I wish, and that is a true sincere dream, that we could all meet, all of us, and for once me to be able to experience what it feels like to be able to see all the important girls in my life, that definitely make me what I am. Love you my ladies!

And before this post gets ridiculously cheesy, and I decide to make a pop album form it, titled "Love you ladies" (haha:), just one final thought :) I have to agree with my dear friend Victoria and her post about the beautiful sunset over the South-East of Kent today, it really was magnificent, I'm glad so many of us were looking at it and enjoying it, it was a flame one :)) One of my hobbies is taking really amateur photos of the sky, and here are some of my favourite ones, hope you enjoy them :)

That really is the most cheesy-girlie-pinky-sugary post ever! lol Where is my new cynicism gone??

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you saw the sunset too - I was driving at the time and kept looking out of my side window and taking my eyes off the road - so dangerous, but it was definitely worth it. I literally couldn't believe how beautiful it was...the pink and orange sky, everything seemed warm and inviting. I was by myself, and smiling.
