Thursday 1 October 2009

Gypsy Summer in Canterbury

I am looking at my blog archive and I realise I haven't written a lot these months. Part of the reason for that is that I was busy enjoying my perfect summer at home, and was way too overwhelmed with a whole variety of emotions, too complicated for the pages of my modest invisible diary :)) Also...well I came back in Canterbury and again was too busy with getting into messy relationships, smoking, reading about lobbying and European Union institutions and Human rights, spending time with my lovely new housemates in our big student house...and yet again my writing kind of remained back stage. But the truth is I love writing, I enjoy my little air notebook, in which I scribble my thoughts and feelings, and I will try and do it more :)) For some months...I was very much doubtful about the impact this blog has on my life and the life of others, and I realise there is such a difference! To me my blog means a lot, I share a lot of what is going on currently in my life on its pages, including very personal stuff like my break up with Matthew and my a bit random at times emotional experiences :)) So the impact on me is huge...sometimes I even think I am writing the things I should be really saying to people. To the others though...the impact seems minimal, my blog feels invisible metaphorically and not, so I was doubtful about the need of its existence...I guess every vain little person like myself want their blog to mean a lot more than perhaps it is, we suffer from a complex to affect the whole world's way of thinking :)) If only I would spend half of the time thinking about all this in actually writing.....

Oh well, nevermind! These days I am going to my roots and I am actually creating not one but two blogs in the same evening :)) I wanted to share with you where I was the last weekend, which, for those of you living in the South-East of England, was a lovely "gypsy summer" weekend, all warm and sunny, with nature longing for some more summer oblivion, and long and violet shadows creeping in between the leaves. So in these few gorgeous days I went to the "Euro Food Fest" in Canterbury, a gathering point of worldly cuisine, pottery and art craft again from around the world, and probably most of Canterbury's citizens, all enjoying cider and beef burgers on the grass :)) Me and my friend Hrisi enjoyed very much some Greek baklava, almost the way we eat it at home, and that triggered a whole lot pf pleasant memories...and bee attracting stickiness :)) As a whole it was a most enjoyable weekend, and in a late Sunday afternoon the city had one last surprise for me, for which you are about to read in a minute....

I love Canterbury for one simple reason- it it is full with interesting people you can have a nice talk with! :) This Sunday while I was waiting for my friend Zoe to finish her shopping I got to share a bench on a busy city square with an unfamiliar old lady. We started talking, old people are just so much nicer and friendlier than young ones :), and I soon spotted her exotic looking features and the quirky character that she sported. As I have observed many times, people with mixed origins usually have fascinating natures, they are much more charismatic and intriguing, maybe as the results of the various genes that shape their personalities. So that lady had 5 different nationalities in her blood! She was partially Chinese, Dutch, Indian, Portuguese and Guianish. She looked like she has been a stunning beauty when she was younger. So this very nice lady, I never got to learn her name, told me part of her fascinating story, which I liked so much I simply have to share it with you all :)) Apparently, her and her husband, who was English, met in British Guiana (South America). He came on a work trip to a sugar plantation, and they met on a blind date! :)) Soon after she followed him in England and created a family with him there. Blind date followed by marriage...and these days I believe in nothing even remotely romantic...Anyway, when she was pregnant with her first daughter, she asked God again and again that at least one of her children would have blue eyes. And her first daughter was born with sky blue eyes :) When she was pregnant with her second daughter, she asked God if at least one of her children would ave green eyes and the second daughter was born with piercing green eyes! And when she was pregnant with the third one she asked God if the child could have deep blue eyes and her third baby daughter had deep deep marine blue eyes, just like her mother wanted :)) It is a lovely little story, isn't it? :)

I hope you all enjoy the lovely gypsy summer that we have here, and find inspirational stories yourself on the streets of the wide world ;) xxx

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