Sunday 24 May 2009

Power (to the people?:)

I'm gonna write about the power of sources, the power of friends, the power of self persuasion, and the power of the new beginning.

To begin with, yeeii, recently I registered with a website for journalism, where people from all around the world report from their areas and write about different topics. I am quite excited about it, not only because I was invited (yesss, how vain of me :P), but also because there are my favourite two categories- politics and my story. Yes, the vain theme continues!! :D I know it is only a beginning, but even the smallest opportunity of writing about politics makes me happy :) So I'm going to try my best and write some interesting things there, might post the link to them here once I feel comfortable with them, haha :D As now I know people actually read what I right, it makes that much more self-comprehensive. Anyway, i already started thinking about possible topics and suddenly I realise the importance of sources. In some years to come, when I try it in the real world of politics, where the hell am I gonna get my stories from? Sources are important, knowledge is importnat...yeah...Yeah, I'm not sure why I started with the power of sources, it might be because I don't want to write another post only about me and my stupid dramas. It comes out as if I have nothing else to talk about, which is not true of course, it just happens to be that at this point....other feelings dominate my days.

The power of friends, thank the Lord!, is one of these emotions. Love my friends, love to bits, and I am incredibly thankful to them for being strong lol :D And keeping me out of trouble. Their power is incredible. One sudden visit at home in the morning makes the whole day special. A few hours spent in walking around the high street keep my troubled brain from all the grief lately. One single word of approval makes a whole confidence raise after being stepped on. Friends power is the strongest one, and their will to help out in a bad moment is all unbeatable. Thank you all, you are fantastic, and that moment is nothing compared to what will inevitably come in life, how can I not be confident when you are around :) xxx

And I haven't been all that confident lately, all of a sudden I lost some ground under my feet. As a typical girl, minus the make-up skills, the high heel skills, and the fashion knowledge, I did spent tedious hours going over everything I have said or done, thinking and re-thinking every little detail, slowly persuading myself that there is something fundamentally wrong about myself, something chasing people away and spoiling things for me. Hell no!!! I didn't spend all these years trying to grow up once and for all and stop being so dramatic, so that once single slip up can make me go all the way back. This time, the power of self-persuasion is going to be in the opposite direction. I'm going to make myself as sure as possible, that this time I didnt mess up, this time I tried my best, and it was someone else trying to play mind games and honestly! acting like a baby!! So there you go, I am going to persuade myself so successfully, that its going to become my second nature. I used to think handling well a break up is a sign of growing up, you know, putting reason before emotion and not becoming suicidal. After all this, I'm starting to think what you do after the break up is the real growing up, the confidence you need to find in yourself, and the will to move on, that no one can give you, so that you can have all the new wonderful beginning coming ahead in life! :) Bring on the summer!!

Talking about new beginnings...aren't they great? :D Today I managed to congratulate my dear friend Em's boss on recently becoming a father to the lovely, and big apparently!, baby boy Gabriel, oh yeeiii :)) They are not even close to me, I hardly know them to be honest, but him and his wife are a lovely couple and great people, and funnily their little baby made me so happy too! How can things be bad when little babies come to the world,and show to everyone things simply go on!! :D You go baby Gabriel, and you better rock this world, and you are going to, because you have parents that love you and you will have cool friends when you grow up!...who now are babies...cute and little..and chubby with their baby fat...gosh I want one!! lol

Aaaanyway...while writing all this I thought about another power so important to me these days- the power of the statement. And it goes: THIS TIME WATCH ME MOVING ON!!!

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