Saturday 11 April 2009

The blog my shrink

This Easter I won't be going home to sunny Bulgaria, due to too many essays and not enough money. As an international student I had to get used to spending all the family holidays away, that is why I don't understand why I find it so difficult to be here on my own this Easter. You would think it gets easier, but really it doesn't. And I am in the UK for almost two years already. Oh well :)

Anyway, I had to come up with ways of entertaining myself, and this blog is part of my new routine! When my boyfriend is working everyday, and my friends are away on holidays, and there are no more noisy messy drinking nights here in vibrant Canterbury, all I am left with is my thoughts and this anonymous blog to share them with whoever is reading.

I have always wanted to have a blog. As I recently found out, it is the cutting edge of politics these days apparently! :) And it will be a good way for me to deal with my "artistic" shyness. I bet everyone suffers from it, when you feel like you have plenty of things to say, and some of them are even good!, but somehow you end up forgetting them in the back of your mind and they never see day light. It is either shyness, or a case of extreme laziness! :) Whatever it is, I am going to put an end to it and start writing, tonight, Easter-eve!

Tomorrow I am going to my boyfriend's house, to spend Easter with his family, how lovely! :) I am curious to see how an ordinary British family celebrates the holiday, and and compare it to the Bulgarian frantic way of celebration :)) At home, we boil eggs, we colour them, always starting with a red, in order to bring health, luck and prosperity to the whole house. Then we sit at the table, and the fun part really begins :) We knock the eggs in each other, competing against each other for the strongest egg. Whoever knocks out all the others' eggs is the winner, and is going to be especially lucky through out the whole year. Aah..gotta love those weird Orthodox traditions :) I don't care if they sound weird, I love them and they bring the comforting feeling that some things never change, no matter how much life evolves. I bet there will be no knocking of eggs on the table tomorrow :)

A friend of mine from uni called me the biggest nationalist he has ever met. I strongly disagree, of course, how am I a nationalist?! :) It's just that these days I can't help it but think about my culture more, remember where I come from, that must be important in life, right? I'm guessing even from this first post that there is going to be a lot about Bulgaria and the Balkans in my blog :))

While reading what I've written so far, I realise how chaotic this all sounds. I've read other blogs and in a way they resemble a diary of the person's day, so I'll try and give a neat account of what I did today, at least the interesting bits, but.....who the hell will be interested in that?! Oh well..... ;)

I am currently doing a project on Fair Trade lifestyle as a journalist-wannabe, and I did my second interview today! :) Much better then the first one, with the manager of Oxfam store in Canterbury, all recorded on a dictaphone, with a prepared set of questions, all organised and neat, looking almost professional! I know I'm an uber geek, but every time I do an interview, or some research connected with my project, I feel this butterfly feeling in my stomach, as I realise that is what I want to do for life!! I discovered myself as a journalist -wannabe many years ago, and I'm still chasing after my dream. I even went into studying politics, in order to have a better understanding of how society works, so one day I can write about it. Today was really about me getting very very close to my dream, making and booking interviews, writing notes down, researching.....exciting! All the geeks out there understand me! :))

The other interesting thing I did today was spending the day on the streets of Canterbury, which in the sun and the new green everywhere is the loveliest and most interesting place on Earth :) Today it was full of music, fabulous freaks, artists of different kind, charity workers, and people people people! I love big crowds, because I can be an anonymous stalker, linger between the strangers, listen to what they are talking about, walk with them for a while, pretend I know them and I'm part of their group...I love people, they are the most interesting thing ever! I spent hours today just sitting on High Street, drinking a vanilla smoothie and watching all the people around me, soaking up the is good! :)

And in the end I watched "Britain's Got Talent" and as usual I cried when the most random people surprise you. I mean the old quirky looking lady, who wanted to be a singer, and everyone in the audience thought she is a total loser, because she was so randomly looking, but when she sang "I have a dream" all of them were on their feet, cheering! :) I sobbed like a frikking baby on the it when people surprise me with their endless depth and variety.

Well that is it really. It was a rather long post for a beginning. I still have the feeling I am writing in the air with invisible ink, who the hell is going to read that?! But it did make me feel better and I think I will continue :)
The idea matters after all ;) xx

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