Friday 11 September 2009

Martin Shileds, it's a bitter story...

Very rarely in this blog so far have I allowed myself to be critical towards somebody or something, and I have tried to be as objective as possible. But this time something is choking me from the inside, and the feelings of hurt pride of another kind, identity and desire for justice are making me write this post, which is going to be different from everything I have written so far. The reason is the recent release from jail of Martin Shields, a Liverpool FC supporter, who was convicted with the attempt murder of the Bulgarian waiter Martin Georgiev. The football fan was supposed to stay in prison for 10 years, but overall did 4 years, before being pardoned from Her Majesty The Queen.

The first thing that really strikes me about the media coverage of this ugly story here in the UK are the numerous mistakes British journalists make when describing the events that took place in 2005. I have already given up the hope that many people will be knowledgeable of geography, even though its on their continent, so I'm not surprised almost nobody knows where Bulgaria is, where the sea side resort of Golden Sands is, where thew attempt murder happened; or know facts like there is no CCTV in Bulgaria, the same way there is in the UK, there are only hidden cameras outside private properties or big places like malls or supermarkets or the underground. However, as every other person relying on the media to provide information on the current affairs, I have a blind faith in what they say to be true and thus expect them to CHECK THEIR INFORMATION and will try to be objective and free themselves from sentiments, in the name of fucking truth and justice, if you like. So fa the information that I read is such a mish mash between reality and rumours, that no wonder so many British and European citizens have distorted visions of what happened, who is guilty and what evidence has been presented and retracted during the whole trial and the years after that. As a journalist wannabee I am so fucking disappointed that the media of this country which I hold to be more objective misleads its own people and leaves another 7 million with bitter taste in their mouths, because of the endless comments upon an attempt to do the job right.

And because this is criticism right? I can go into the whole thing of trying to prov who is wrong and who is right, but the truth is I can't, and that is another thing for which I depend on other people and I demand that they do their job well. On one side, these are the Bulgarian court and the Bulgarian forensic investigators, who are responsible for acquiring and processing evidence and witnesses, and coming up with a decision for the actions that need to follow. As a Bulgarian, who have lived in the country almost all her life, and who plans to give the best years of her life to, I am entitled to the right of critique, especially after that very system has already failed me and my fellow citizens many times already. I know its not perfect. But in this case, and I believe in what I say, and I am going to take the responsibility for my words, and may any Liverpool out there curse me and wish I'd be gone, the Bulgarians did their job. They actually did. That new evidence that has been presented to the British court has been unknown to them too, so don't blame it on the Bulgarians. Shields was convicted and judged under the laws of Republic of Bulgaria and he received a conviction in accordance with these rules. The pardon he was granted in England is not a judiciary decision, it is the sovereign right of a country to pardon its people, as in this case. I have no idea what kind of new evidence has been presented, I guess for an answer of my question I have to speak to Martin Shields himself. But this is not a game between courts, the Bulgarians made their decision, according to and based on evidence and witnesses,as in every other court around the world, that is why I have to trust they were right and believe that there is a solid reason for this decision. Because something is telling me that if the same decision was made by a court of an European nation, it would have been accepted easily, but because it is the Bulgarian one, this go-forsaken-post-communist state's court-all of a sudden there is such room for mistakes, despite the evidence.

But enough with that, I am getting so tired and disgusted with having to defend my country and having to tear myself between desire for justice and desire to accept that all people are innocent and it was all one huge mistake...even the long forgotten feeling of national pride is present, maybe I am spending too much time in England...

So I'm going to have my last critique, and it goes to all of us- for fuck sake, don't think it is alright to go to a foreign country and disrespect the laws, disrespect the customs, disrespect the people, and on top of that wait to get away with it. Bulgarian are no saints on Earth, we have our fair share in the disrespect, so have the British, so that is a warning for all. Because this post is not only for my biter feelings of anger and fear of misleading, its in not only abut critiquing the people not doing their job, or the people around the world who think its OK to get wasted and beat up a man in a gang. Its about sadness too, and I feel sad about the family of Martin Georgiev, who is going to bear the physical and emotional scar for life, for my fellow Bulgarians, who feel offended and once again thought of as stupid and savage, for the family of Martin Shields, who have gone through hell with their son and brother in jail and with silly people like me judging...and for Martin Shields himself, because he is only 22 and he is always going to bear the feeling of unreceived Justice with his name to his very death. This whole ugly story needs to be revealed, from both sides, so that nothing remains in the darkness and nothing remains unseen and unsaid. REVEAL THE STORY! READ MORE! THINK MORE! For fuck sake be reasonable....

I read a wonderful post about it on the page of Twohundredpercent, written by Ian, whoever wants may check it out here. (

*Nobody seems to care as much as I do, but I'll sake that, for the sake of my consciousness, and for the sake of being fair. If Martin Shileds was indeed innocent of committing the crime, then I feel very sad about him and wish him all the very best in his future life. Now lets see the new guy being taken to Bulgaria to face the judiciary system.

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