Tuesday 15 September 2009

15.09.2009 (First day of school in Bulgaria:)

This post is, I think, mainly about what I did today, maybe because currently my head is full with emotions over the brim and once more I find it difficult to put them in order. So there you go, I might as well write about what I've been up to and hope to read between the lines what's bugging me.

I heard something lovely today. My good friend Allan came up with the funniest suggestion about what afterlife might be like. As we were talking about the Pacific ocean and the huge underwater mountains and all the fascinating places we might never see, Allan said "Now wouldn't if be wonderful if after we die God would take us on a tour around the world and under the sea and show us all these amazing things?"My dear Allan, I wish it would be exactly like that for you and me and everyone and we all go on a trip under the world with God acting like a nice and funny tour guide :)) What you said really inspired me, and I'm starting to think that thoughts like these make you the great photographer that you are. Allan Gichigi is a photo journalist from Kenya, who was supposed to be present on the pages of my blog long ago, but due to my messiness this is the first time I talk about him. His photographs are really nice, but I can't really describe them, so check them out yourself. (http://www.allangichigi.com/demo/)

Unlike Allan, I'm not so composed and capable of producing inspirational thoughts. On the contrary, I am very much capable of creating messes and very funny situations. Today I was in Coffee and Corks with Lovely Zoe, Allan and (Posh) Fred and just when leaving, while saying goodbye to the bartender, I didn't see the big and obvious metal poll in the middle of the cafe and I walked straight into it!! Oh boy did everyone laugh! I have done this circus trick numerous times before-Ive walked into a street telephone cabin, polls, doors and chairs, corners of buildings and in one prominent case-in one of the coolest most famous cafes in Sofia, when I managed to not see a whole freaking building and walked straight into it!!! They did laugh at me for ages and I laughed too, but I know that silliness of mine will have severe consequences. The boy behind the bar,who I like,will never ever take me seriously ever again, and I will be nicknamed "That-Bulgarian-that-but headed-the poll" :))

At least it all happened in Coffee and Corks, and that is the loveliest place in Canters, people know me there and its almost like giving a private show in front of the family or something :) The corks is only the best coffee place around here, at least for me and for my friends. Its very laid back, full of interesting people and music and conversations, and always groups of students, doing everything from discussing politics to drawing anchors on their friends' arms...yup, that is what I have been doing these days :)) Check Coffee and Corks here: (http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=coffee+and+corks&init=quick#/pages/Canterbury-United-Kingdom/Coffee-and-Corks/78139729254?ref=search&sid=652849881.3173620034..1)

The Internet came to light our house these days! Right now I'm in bed writing and watching silly things on Youtube and I'm gradually feeling tired, even though I like blogging its not the best idea to do it so late, I'm starting to forget what I wanted to say! :)

But the following news coming from motherland cannot be forgotten, they are significant, they are essential, they are simply life changing :P After the last online conversation with mam and dad, I got to know that from the EU are worried that a revolutions might happen in Bulgaria hahaha :))) We have always been criticised for being too slow in dealing with corruption on the high levels and organised crime, failing to absorb the EU funds properly, and most of all too slow to promote reforms and end the process of transition we have been in for twenty two years now. After the recent change in government, the new in power are very keen on making a difference for their 4 years and fulfil the ambitious agenda they have set up for themselves. The EU reacted with mixed feelings about out presentation in Brussels on the last achievements and said they are concerned about too rapid of a change, which will overlooked the already achieved and destroy stability. They are right up to a point, but my peeps and I found it funny that they are never happy with us, no matter how hard we try. Not that I complain, that sort of critique is just what we need, and wait until Turkey is in the EU and all the negativity shifts to it ;)) (joking...kind of)

Anyway, I am not allowed to discuss politics for a week, as I didn't know that the current General Secretary of the UN is Ban-ki Moon, and I had the arrogance to argue about it, yes sir! :) And I'm tired anyway, I'm not even half funny as I want me to be. I'm going to bed, and something is telling me I'll be having dreams about colourful espresso cups and cold blooded girlfriends, and a certain blond and quiet Tesco guy.........nighty night ;)

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