Wednesday 27 January 2010

Fair Way

Good morning and good day! I wanted to do this last night, but decided to follow the advise and sleep on it.

I'm giving this blog a break. Maybe permanently. I read my blogs and I like them, they make sense to me, I know the stories behind them. But at the same time I see this blog as a little intellectual waste :)) Waste of my abilities, time, and what my deal friend Andreea yesterday called "the exchange of information and knowledge in the world" lol. I realised my blog is unconventional ages ago. I don't write about what I wear, what I eat, what I do to create my image, or give away advises about how people should live their lives. And this is what blogs are all about these days!! Also, I never joined the family of the blog commentators....I get the correlation though. You read a blog, you comment on the Mango dress/Zara belt/milky-meal-with-nothing-really and there you go, you have joined! Now you can leave comments and also expect people to leave you comments, even if they sound as the person didn't really read your blog. I am not mean, I just realise this exercise is not for me. I am also shy, I also need my dearest people to reassure me that I'm a good person, I need my boyfriend to tell me that I look beautiful, this is absolutely normal for every in the world. But not from anonymous people in a blog. I just don't get it, dear blog commentators :))

So there you go, no more blogging for now. I will concentrate on finishing my education instead, and make plans about my new life in Belfast. In the meantime I will think about what blogs should be, or what I want my blog to be like, also what is the purpose of writing, is it really about inspiring others or about yourself, how do you create a more professional blog, not filled with your fears, dreams and persona, something like an altar of the self for public use, but a blog contributing with information and a blog that is useful....Once I answer these questions I will come back :)) It's been fun, but its time to move on.

I wish everyone a very happy life, more blogging, whatever the kind of blog you have, whatever the kind of thing you want to share, and more smiles and purposeful days :)) Peace! xxx